Declaración de privacidad

SOAP2's OJS instance is currently hosted on servers in Ireland.

We draw your attention to the fact that by using this service, your personal data (as publisher of your journal) will be transferred to the servers in Ireland, a country of the European Union whose adequacy in terms of personal data protection can be considered equivalent to that granted in Switzerland. Indeed, the processing of personal data by PKP is not covered by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), but the law of the Canadian province of British Columbia. Furthermore, PKP does not provide sufficient contractual guarantees.

Protection against misuse of your personal data cannot be guaranteed.

Therefore, pursuant to Art. 49 RGPD (Derogations for special situations) and 17 paragraph 2 letter a LPrD (Transborder data communication), it is necessary that you give your explicit consent to the envisaged transfer after having been informed of the risks that this transfer could entail for you due to the absence of an adequacy decision and appropriate guarantees.

Third parties whose personal data you may provide to PKP must also be informed of the above and their explicit consent must be obtained.

However, the data collected from registered and non-registered users of the journals in this project are part of the standard operation of peer-reviewed journals. This is information that makes communication possible for the editorial process and is used to inform readers about the authors and publishers of the content (i.e. name, surname, email address, affiliation - exhaustive list) and which we precisely want to advertise by working in Open Access mode.

EdiPub makes you aware that by accepting these conditions of participation, you take note of the risks mentioned below and agree to run them.

For any questions related to the above, please contact:

The names and email addresses entered in this site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of SOAP2 and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.