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  • AKWI

    The Journal AKWI is published under the Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC) by a team of editors of the "Arbeitskreis Wirtschaftsinformatik der deutschsprachigen Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften".

  • Les Cahiers de l'ILTP. Perspectives protestantes francophones en théologie pratique

    Les «Cahiers de l’ILTP» diffusent et promeuvent la recherche dans tous les domaines de la théologie pratique, surtout protestante; ils sont disponibles gratuitement et en libre accès; ils publient des articles individuels, des actes de colloque et des mémoires en théologie pratique.


    AЯGOS is a multilingual online journal for the study of religion that seeks to build bridges between Europe’s distinct academic cultures. AЯGOS publishes original, peer-reviewed papers in English, German, French, and Italian. These present, comment upon, and further develop established and contemporary perspectives in the study of religion. AЯGOS also aims to bring current approaches in the study of religion and cognate disciplines into conversation with one another. Historical and empirical studies are expected to have strong theoretical underpinnings.  

    AЯGOS also includes translations of previously published key texts that can provide valuable theoretical and methodological impetus to debates in the study of religion. Each of these translations is accompanied by an introduction and a substantial commentary highlighting its relevance for the international community of scholars of religion. 

    A book review section in various European languages complements AЯGOS’ main objective of making important scholarly work known beyond its original context

    AЯGOS is published online as an diamond-open-access journal with no restrictions. It does not charge publication fees to authors. The journal is managed by an Editorial Board, the Editing Manager and an Academic Advisory Board. Members of the Editorial Board have an equal say on editorial decisions. AЯGOS is committed to ensuring that both boards include younger researchers, in particular, and to striving for a balanced gender ratio.  

    AЯGOS is now open for the submission of articles. 

    If you would like to suggest a book for review, please contact our reviews editor, Prof. Anja Kirsch, by e-mail. If you would like to write a book review, you can find the selection here.

    In Greek mythology, AЯGOS is the watchful guardian with a hundred eyes who can see in all directions at once. After Argos’s death, the goddess Hera preserved his eyes in the peacock’s tail. Argos is also one of the Argonauts and the mythical constructor of the ship Argo in which Jason and his companions searched for the Golden Fleece. 

  • Ancient TL

    Ancient TL (electronic ISSN 2693-0935) is a community-based, not-for-profit, peer-reviewed, diamond open access journal with bi-annual issues in June and December. It is devoted to theoretical and experimental luminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR) research. This includes research on environmental dose rate, rock thermal histories (e.g., low-temperature thermochronometry) and mineral provenance and characterisation. Manuscripts on luminescence and ESR dating, on software codes, numerical models and on instrumentation are also welcome. Ancient TL also publishes interlaboratory comparisons, standardisation procedures, failed experiments, as well as observations difficult to explain. Following Ancient TL’s tradition, manuscripts about practical aspects of laboratory and field work are explicitly welcome.

    Periodically, Ancient TL publishes an up-to-date bibliography, thesis abstracts, and miscellaneous information for the community. Accepted articles are published immediately online (rolling publishing) before being included in one of the bi-annual issues.

  • Les Cahiers de l’IRAFPA

    IRAFPA - Institut International de Recherche et d’Action sur la Fraude et le Plagiat Académiques

    La revue "Les Cahiers de l'IRAFPA" est éditée par le Pôle Publications de l’IRAFPA et a pour but de créer, diffuser et mettre en valeur des publications originales de l’Institut et de ses membres.

    L’Institut IRAFPA a été créé sous un statut d'association à but non lucratif, le 18 juin 2016, à Genève (Suisse). L’Association est indépendante et n’a aucune affiliation politique, ni religieuse.

    Site web :

    Page LinkedIn

  • Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage

    Depuis 1992, le CLSL publie les Cahiers du Centre de linguistique et des sciences du langage (anciennement les Cahiers du D.L.S.L) à un rythme de deux à quatre publications annuelles environ. Chaque Cahier s’articule autour d'une thématique spécifique des sciences du langage (linguistique historique, plurilinguisme, sociolinguistique, phonologie, analyse du discours, analyse des interactions,  humanités numériques et nouvelles technologie, entre autres) et est édité par un ou plusieurs chercheurs du Centre. Les Cahiers ont pour but de promouvoir les travaux des chercheurs débutants et avancés et visent à favoriser l’interdisciplinarité entre les différentes linguistiques représentées au sein du Centre
  • cognitio – studentisches Forum für Recht und Gesellschaft

    The journal, which has been supported from the beginning by the University Teaching Commission ULEKO, is intended to offer a protected as well as free space and thus stimulate critical discourse. The aim is to promote and establish an early exchange of ideas between students, especially in the field of law. The journal thus constitutes a currently unique format in which students and young researchers can have their say on an equal footing. Furthermore, the process of scientific publishing is to be presented, didactic competences are to be imparted and interested persons are to be actively integrated into the publication process. In this way, students have the opportunity, away from the established curriculum, to gain diverse content-related and practical experience, to be involved in topic-finding processes and discussions, and to network.

  • Criminologie, Forensique et Sécurité

    La nouvelle revue « Criminologie, Forensique, et Sécurité » (CFS) a été créée et est l’organe officiel de l’AICLF depuis 2023.

    La revue est publiée en version numérique, en open access, sans frais, et en laissant les droits d’auteurs aux contributeur.trice.s. Elle est diffusée via une plateforme mise en place et financée par les universités suisses pour soutenir l’édition scientifique autogérée et indépendante. Notre objectif est de satisfaire aux critères stricts de DOAJ concernant le processus éditorial, l’éthique, l’accessibilité et la pérennité. Un processus d’évaluation en double aveugle est notamment mis en œuvre.

    La Revue s'emploie à abaisser les cloisons et fédérer les disciplines et les professions qui traitent de la criminalité, des problèmes de sécurité qui causent des torts et la diversité des façons d’y répondre. Elle vise à présenter la diversité internationale et réserve une place équitable aux contributions venant de multiples contextes de production des connaissances, et issues d'horizons géographiques, culturels, disciplinaires, paradigmatiques et méthodologiques variés.  Elle adopte le français comme trait d’union entre les contributions.

  • Cortica

    Cortica (ISSN: 2813-1940) is a Diamond Open Access journal which aims to make neuroscientific knowledge and health psychology accessible to as many people as possible (practitioners, researchers, students, professionals) while maintaining scientific rigor . Our mission is to promote links between neuroscientific research and practice. Our vision is to meet the needs for understanding and development of professionals in mental health, academic and social education, restorative justice as well as in the various disciplines involved in these fields of activity. Neuroscientific in orientation, the journal publishes articles of research, perspective and innovation from Switzerland and abroad with a clear vision: bringing together the research and practice environment with a view to improving the quality of interventions. Cortica as an “Open Access Online” journal provides an important forum for discussion for the community interested in the foundations and practices of neuroscience around the world from a multidisciplinary and integrative perspective. The journal publishes in French and English.

  • EPM - Education pysique en mouvement

    La revue professionnelle « L’Éducation Physique en Mouvement » se veut un lieu d’échanges professionnels entre les enseignants, formateurs et chercheurs en éducation physique afin d’améliorer les liens entre les recherches menées en éducation physique, la formation et les pratiques d’enseignement.

    Elle a pour but à la fois de diffuser (1) les apports des recherches scientifiques en éducation physique pour les enseignants du terrain; (2) de publier des outils, méthodes pédagogiques et didactiques utilisés dans le cadre de la recherche et la formation; et (3) de donner la parole aux enseignants, formateurs ou chercheurs sur un thème donné.


    L'inscription est gratuite en quelques clics sur ce lien

  • Fragmentology

    Fragmentology is an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal, dedicated to publishing scholarly articles and reviews concerning medieval manuscript fragments. Fragmentology welcomes submissions, both articles and research notes, on any aspect pertaining to Latin and Greek manuscript fragments in the Middle Ages.

  • Ethnographic Studies

    Ethnographic Studies focuses on work in ethnography and ethnomethodology but it also provides a forum for sympathetic research in other human sciences, such as psychology, history, science and technology studies, and sociology. Its aim is to promote qualitative inquiry. The policy of the journal is to publish empirical studies but also theoretical and philosophical work which relates to current issues and debates in human sciences.

    Ethnographic Studies is a refereed journal. Persons interested in contributing to the journal should email a copy of their submission to Papers will be usually refereed by two members of the Advisory Board. The journal welcomes proposals for special issues which should be discussed in advance with the editors.

    Ethnographic Studies is an open access journal, hosted by ZHB Luzern/University Library Lucerne. The journal's contents are copyright protected by a Creative Commons license.

  • itdb

    Die Zeitschrift soll ein Forum sein, Konzepte für inter- und transdisziplinäre Bildung zur Diskussion zu stellen und Wege dafür auszuloten, wie diese in Schule und Unterricht umgesetzt werden können. Dabei gilt es auch zu erforschen, welche Chancen und Hindernisse bestehende Strukturen sowohl in Schule als auch in Ausbildungsinstanzen von Lehrpersonen (Pädagogische Hochschulen, Universitäten, Fortbildungen für Lehrpersonen usw.) diesbezüglich bieten. Damit stehen Fragen wie die folgenden im Zentrum: Was bedeutet es für die Aufbereitung der jeweiligen Inhalte, wenn diese einerseits inter- und transdisziplinär erschlossen und andererseits jeweilige intra-, inter- und transdisziplinäre Kontroversen berücksichtigt werden sollen, um zu verantwortbaren Problembewältigungen und einschätzbaren Phänomenklärungen zu gelangen? Welche Methoden und didaktischen Lernszenarien unterstützen derartiges forschendes Lernen und Lehren? Welche Implikationen ergeben sich diesbezüglich im Hinblick auf die Rollen von Lehrenden und Lernenden? Welche Anforderungen und Fragen stellen sich aus der Perspektive einer inter- und transdisziplinären Bildung an die wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen in ihren derzeitigen Verfasstheiten?

    Vor diesem Hintergrund soll die Zeitschrift Wege erkunden helfen, welche Formate inter- und transdisziplinäre Diskussionen fördern, die Transparenz schaffen, Kontroversen und Alternativen sichtbar machen sowie Perspektiven verdeutlichen. Welche Methoden lassen inhaltliche Klärungen und approximationsfähige Aufbauprozesse anbahnen? Hierfür sollen konzeptuelle Fortführungen über einzelne Ausgaben der Zeitschrift möglich sein, etwa indem briefliche Stellungnahmen veröffentlicht oder auch Begriffsklärungen weitergeführt werden. Insgesamt sollen Themen möglichst grundlegend erörtert werden, wofür das aktuell durchgeführte Double Blind Peer Review mittelfristig die Form des Open Peer Commentary als eine von jeweiligen Autorinnen und Autoren zu wählende Alternative angeboten wird. Auch können jeweilige Themen nicht nur als abgeschlossene Einzelarbeiten, sondern als Forschungskooperation zu einer Frage bearbeitet werden (etwa indem auf einen Forschungsauftakt eines Autors bzw. einer Autorin zunächst Weiterführungen von anderen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern, dann ein Zwischenfazit der Verfasserin/des Verfassers des Forschungsauftakts, hierauf eine Synopse von einer ansonsten unbeteiligten Person und schließlich Bilanzen von allen Beteiligten zum Schluss folgen mögen). Auch bezüglich konkreter Unterrichtsprojekte soll nach Wegen gesucht werden, wie diese vergleichend zu anderen angelegt sein können oder welche Weiterführungen denkbar sind. Aus diesem Grunde ist die Zeitschrift in mehrere Rubriken aufgeteilt, die den nachstehend genannten Logiken folgen:

    • Forschungsartikel: Unter der Rubrik Forschungsartikel werden empirische und theoretisch-konzeptionelle Beiträge veröffentlicht. Alle Forschungsartikel durchlaufen ein Double Blind Peer Review. 
    • ForschungsforumDas Forschungsforum ist als Forschungsinstrument konzipiert, in dem zu ausgewählten grundlegenden Fragen und Themen Beiträge eingeworben und Diskussionen in verschiedenen zu erprobenden und zu entwickelnden Diskursformaten organisiert werden. 
    • Forschungsbasierte Praxis: Die Rubrik Forschungsbasierte Praxis zielt darauf ab, einen Fokus auf die Praxis inter- und transdisziplinärer Bildung im schulischen als auch ausserschulischen Kontext zu werfen. Es handelt sich dabei um fundierte und reflektierte Beispiele zu Lehre und Unterricht. 
    • Rezensionen: Erwünscht sind kritisch konstruktive Rezensionen zu Werken, die sich mit inter- und transdisziplinärer Bildung befassen. 
    • Briefe – nachgefragt und weitergedacht: Zu allen veröffentlichten Rubriken können Briefe verfasst werden, die inhaltlich nachfragen und z. B. mit Gegenpositionen herausfordern oder weiterführende konzeptuelle und handlungspraktische Überlegungen umfassen. 
  • Journal of Ethics in Higher Education

    The Journal of Ethics in Higher Education is a biannual academic journal published by Globethics Foundation based in Geneva (Switzerland). As diamond open access journal we make sure to provide the reader and author with valuable and concrete publishing service: permanent and free access to published scholarly works for readers and no publication fees for the authors.

    Focus and Scope:
    The focus and scope of the Journal of Ethics in Higher Education (JEHE) is to answer to the request made by many faculty members from Globethics Consortium of higher education institutions, Network, Partners, Regional Programmes and participants to Globethics International Conferences to have a new space on Globethics platform for the publication of their research results in a scientific Journal.
    The journal is aimed for academic experts in ethics and education, working at the forefront of ethical thinking in global and intercultural perspective, academic integrity and the philosophy and practice of higher education.
    Communication on the theme of each new Issue can be found in the Announcements, and is sent by email to all registered readers and authors. 

    Open access:
    Our type of open access journal is based on 1) no embargo period, 2) no requirement for users to register to read content.
    A very low charge for the print version is necessary to compensate our costs. Reader can order print copies of each Issue from:, at a price of 15CHF (+ shipping).
    Submitted-Accepted or Published versions of each article (the version of record) can be deposited by the author on their academic institutional repository or personal author webpage.

    Issue 4(2024) has been released in July. The theme of 5(2024) planned for December has been announced, title: Ethics in Open and Distance Education. We ask all authors to share their contributions until 1 December 2024 to:

    The Journal of Ethics in Higher Education as Globethics books Series and Globethics Library, are part of Globethics Academy and resources.

  • Journal of Global Buddhism

    The Journal of Global Buddhism is an open access, peer reviewed scholarly journal established to promote the study of the globalization of Buddhism, both historical and contemporary, and its transnational and transcontinental interrelatedness. We publish research articles, special focus sections, discussions, critical notes, review essays and book reviews.

    The Journal of Global Buddhism welcomes submissions, articles, book reviews, of scholarly and community interest from scholars and Buddhists around the world. More information regarding our focus and scope and author guidelines can be found in our submissions section. If you would like to discuss a potential contribution in advance, feel free to contact the editors at

  • Journal of Research in Arts Education

    Journal of Research in Arts Education (JRAE)  Journal de recherche en éducations artistiques (JREA) is an international scientific journal in the field of education which appears once or twice a year. It publishes articles in French, German and English. It is supported by the Centre de compétences romand de didactique disciplinaire (2Cr2D), which brings together the Hautes écoles pédagogiques romandes and the IUFE of the University of Geneva, in partnership with Aix-Marseille University.  Drawing on an international community of researchers, the JREA/JRAE goes beyond linguistic borders and aims at a broad spectrum of influence.

    JREA/JRAE publishes original articles in French, German and English, focusing on teaching and/or learning in the field of arts education (music; plastic arts/visual arts; applied arts/design; dance; theatre/performance; film; mime, etc.). To guarantee its quality, each published article is first evaluated in a double-blind manner by a scientific review community (peer review) independent of the Editorial Board.

  • JoSTrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation

    JoSTrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation is a multilingual diamond-open-access journal on specialised translation and interpreting issues. Launched in 2004, it is free, electronic, double-blind peer-reviewed and published bi-annually. JoSTrans does not charge authors to publish their work.

    E-ISSN: 1740-357X

  • Kontrapunkte

    Kontrapunkte is an open, peer-reviewed journal published in multiple languages in an online blog format. Its purpose is to stimulate discussions revolving around music education in group contexts and to promote a wide diversity of positions and opinions found within this discourse. This journal brings together submissions regarding music education from a practical perspective (ex. lesson planning concepts and methods, current views on the teaching and learning of music, perspectives from teachers and learners) as well as scientific (empirical, theoretical, critical) exploration.

  • Open Palaeontology

    Open Palaeontology (ISSN: 3042-657X) is an international Diamond Open Access journal promoting open science in the field of palaeontology. Open Palaeontology publishes research on advances knowledge and methodologies across all aspects of palaeontology. 

    We are currently growing our team, so please contact us if you are interested in joining the Open Palaeontology journal team. 

    We welcome the submission of articles on any topic related to palaeontological research. This includes, but is not limited to, taxonomic descriptions of new fossil taxa, palaeobiology, palaeoecology, taphonomy, palaeontology database creation, biostratigraphy, micropalaeontology, palaeobotany, education in palaeontology, and the societal applications of palaeontological research.

    You can find out more about Open Palaeontology here.

  • Revue de Mathématiques pour l’école

    La Revue de Mathématiques pour l'école (RMé) diffuse des travaux et des ressources relatifs à la didactique des mathématiques. Elle propose des articles traitant de l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des mathématiques en investigant aussi parfois le champ de la formation des enseignant·e·s. RMé vise à outiller la réflexion concernant les articulations entre les pratiques pédagogiques et la recherche en didactique en présentant différents types de contributions. Les problématiques qui nourissent les publications concernent tous les niveaux de scolarité de l’école obligatoire à postobligatoire en passant par l'enseignement spécialisé. Les anciens articles et numéros sont disponibles sur le site

    RMé publie deux numéros électroniques par an, et un numéro spécial thématique tous les deux ans.

    Le Prochain numéro sortira au printemps 2025


  • Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie

    The Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie (RFRE) is a free, electronic, French-language scientific journal for occupational therapists and those with whom they work. The journal is founded on a desire to share knowledge and pedagogy, creativity and originality. It aims to be an independent scientific vehicle.


    The journal (ISSN-Number: 2297-8224) was founded 2016 and is based at the Division Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work of the University of Fribourg (CH). We publish two issues per year, dedicated to a specific topic, with contributions in German, English, French and Italian. includes contributions from the various fields of social policy and the welfare state, with a special emphasis on the connection between theory and practice. As such the journal aims to address social scientists as well as practitioners. It shall provide a space for discussions on a wide range of social policy making and theoretical concepts in research that relates to Switzerland as well as other countries, or that takes a comparative perspective. The journal welcomes quantitative, qualitative and comparative work as well as more theoretical pieces. Besides articles, the journal also publishes shorter contributions (book reviews, research notes, etc.). To ensure high quality, all contributions go through a peer-review process.

  • Swiss Journal of Sociology

    The Swiss Journal of Sociology (SJS) is a multi-lingual Open Access peer review journal, which provides the main platform for presenting and debating sociological research in Switzerland. From its first appearance in 1975, it has reflected key developments in Swiss and international sociology.

    The SJS encourages contributions from all areas of sociology. It considers the plurality of theoretical and methodological approaches in empirical research and theory building. Articles published should be of interest to Swiss sociology by engaging with current trends in sociology theoretically and/or methodologically. Submitted contributions will be considered for publication independent of the author’s institutional or national background.

    The SJS is published by the Swiss Sociological Association (SSA) three times per year, employing a rapid and efficient review process that emphasizes transparency and clarity.

    The SJS receives funding from the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences.


    Created in 1980, the TRANEL journal is steered by the "Maison des sciences du langage et de la communication" (SCILAC) at the University of Neuchâtel.

    The aim of this journal is to highlight the diversity and richness of the scientific work conducted in the different fields of linguistics. In welcoming works from fields as diverse as sociolinguistics, verbal interaction analysis, corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, speech and language therapy, pragmatics, semantics, syntax, phonology, and French linguistics, TRANEL seeks to offer an integrative and interdisciplinary perspective on the issues currently addressed in linguistics.

  • Théories du lyrique: Une anthologie de la critique mondiale de la poésie

    La Suisse occidentale répand et fait circuler les énergies poétiques du monde entier. Le dernier congrès mondial d’études poétiques (Lausanne, juin 2019), initié par l’International Network for the Study of Lyric, en a été une forte illustration. En 2020, les approches du lyrique continuent à aller par-delà les frontières, sous un format novateur : les principales théories du lyrique aujourd’hui sont rassemblées en anthologie et connaissent pour la première fois une édition en ligne, gratuite, en libre accès, en français. Ces chapitres sont publiés en trois temps (février et octobre 2020, mars 2021) pour la première salve, et seront consultables sur les sites et Élaborée à partir des articles des spécialistes internationaux de la poésie, cette anthologie fait en outre partie des projets développés au sein de la « Lyrical Valley » en Suisse occidentale, par l’Université de Lausanne et le Fonds national de la recherche suisse, qui visent à mieux diffuser les approches contemporaines de la poésie (méthodes transmédiales, transnationales, transgénériques). Une manière de prendre connaissance de la pointe de la recherche en poésie aujourd’hui par un projet qui met en évidence un réseau mondial interconnecté.

  • Tenzone

    Tenzone è una rivista di studi danteschi promossa dal Grupo Tenzone e dal Dipartimento di Italiano dell'Université de Fribourg. È multilingue, senza scopo di lucro e ad accesso libero nella modalità "diamante" (diamond open access). Pubblica articoli scientifici sottoposti a revisione paritaria.

    Fondata nel 2000 da Carlos López Cortezo come rivista annuale della Asociación Complutense de Dantología, Tenzone è uno spazio aperto al dibattito scientifico: luogo accogliente, e insieme nobilmente inquieto, nel quale si possono discutere posizioni e punti di vista diversi, distanti e anche opposti. È diretta da Juan Varela-Portas de Orduña (UCM) e Paolo Borsa (UniFr), assistiti da un Comitato di redazione e da un Comitato scientifico internazionale che annovera, tra gli altri, tutti i membri del Grupo Tenzone, attivo nello studio dell'opera di Dante fin dal 2006.

  • Zeitschrift für Religionskunde

    Die Zeitschrift für Religionskunde setzt den Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung und Erforschung von Unterricht zu „Religion" in der öffentlichen Schule und vereint wissenschaftliche, didaktische und unterrichtspraktische Fragen.